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Water Properties


"The Atom"

What are  the Properties of Water? Definition of Water
What is the definition of water? It is the fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc. The Physical and Chemical Properties are the characteristics of a substance, like water, which distinguishes it from any other substance.  Most common substances, like water, exist as States of Matter as solids, liquids, gases and plasma. The solid phase of water is known as ice or snow. The gaseous phase of water is known as water vapor or steam - see the Phase Changes link above.

Water Properties - Why is water unique
Water is unique because it is the only natural substance that can exist in three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas - at the temperatures normally found on Earth.

Water Properties - What are the Physical Properties of Water?
What are the Physical Properties of Water? The Physical properties of water are the characteristics that can be observed without changing the substance into another substance. Physical properties are usually those that can be observed using our senses such as color, luster, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, density, hardness and odor. The Physical Properties of water are as follows:

  • Color  : Nearly colorless with a hint of blue
  • Odor : None
  • Taste : Bland
  • Density : 1.000 g/ml. The density of water is approximately one gram per cubic centimeter
  • Boiling Point : 100 °C
  • Conductivity : Water is a good conductor of heat
  • Compressibility : The compressibility of water reduces the sea level
  • Specific Heat : Water has a high specific heat. Specific heat is the amount of energy required to change the temperature of a substance
  • Surface Tension : Water has a high surface tension - it is adhesive and elastic
  • Cohesion : Water is attracted to other water
  • Adhesion : Water can also be attracted to other materials

Water Properties - What are the Chemical Properties of Water?
What are the Chemical Properties of Water? They are the characteristics that determine how it will react with other substances or change from one substance to another. The better we know the nature of the substance the better we are able to understand it. Chemical properties are only observable during a chemical reaction. Reactions to substances may be brought about by changes brought about by burning, rusting, heating, exploding, tarnishing etc. The Chemical Properties of water are as follows:

  • Chemical Formula : H2O - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom
  • Solvation : Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid
  • pH : Pure water has a neutral pH of 7, which is neither acidic nor basic
  • Ionization : Water weakly ionizes
  • Reactivity : Metals such as gold, silver, copper, tin, etc. do not react with water
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