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Examples of Compounds


"The Atom"

Definition of a Compound

In simple terms compounds can be described as substances that have two or more Atoms bonded together. Definition of a compound. A compound is a pure substance that contains atoms of two or more chemical elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means and are held together by chemical bonds. For additional information click Types of Compounds.

Examples of Compounds - Water
Water is a compound because it is made up of more than one element - Hydrogen and Oxygen. For example, the chemical formula for water is H2O which indicates that 2 atoms of Hydrogen combines with 1 atom of oxygen and creates the compound water.

Examples of Compounds - Hydrogen Peroxide
The chemical formula for the compound water is H2O indicating that 2 atoms of Hydrogen combines with 1 atom of oxygen, see Chemical Formulas. But if another oxygen atom is added a new compound called Hydrogen Peroxide will be created - H2O2 which indicates that 2 atoms of Hydrogen combines with 2 atoms of oxygen and creates the compound Hydrogen Peroxide.

Examples of Compounds - Salt
Salt is a compound because it is made up of more than one element. The chemical formula for sodium chloride (Salt) is NaCl indicating that 1 atom of sodium combines with 1 atom of chlorine.

Examples of Compounds - Common Compounds
There are millions of compounds. The following Examples of Compounds shows some of the most common compounds and their chemical formulas or equations.

H2O: Water

C6H12O6: Glucose

C2H6O: Alcohol

 NaCl: Salt

C2H6O: Ethanol

C2H4O2: Vinegar

NH3: Ammonia

C2H4O2: Acetic Acid

C4H10: Butane

H2SO4 : Sulfuric Acid

CH4: Methane

C12H22O11: Sucrose

C3H8: Propane

NaHCO3: Baking Soda

N2O: Nitrogen

C6H8O7: Citric Acid

C8H18: Octane

C10H16O: Camphor

Examples of Compounds - Elements Map!
For additional information about the elements featured on the Periodic Table please refer to our comprehensive Elements Map!

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